We believe the nutrition supplement industry has failed our family of skateboarders, snowboarders, skiers, cyclists, and creators. They are constantly moving from one trend to the next, stacking up a long list of “must-have” supplements that are marketed to supposedly help buyers achieve some sort of ideal physique. The number of pills being peddled has risen to confusing proportions. Most people have been so overwhelmed by the nutrition supplement aisle that they have eventually given up, concluding that wellness is too complex or expensive to maintain. Our purpose is to make daily nutrition simple to understand and easy to take every day. We want to help you perform better, sharpen mental focus, boost energy naturally, and assist recovery... all with a single capsule. Niima™ provides real benefits from food-based ingredients.
Niima originally began as just the working title for the brand and was simply derived from the last four letters of the word “vitamin”when spelled backwards (n-i-m-a). During the research and development of our first product, we ended up calling it Niima so frequently, that the name eventually evolved from placeholder to the name of the company. If you want a more inspiring version of that story, Niima (or Nima) is a Tibetan name which means "the sun". Just as the sun provides life-sustaining energy to the planet, Niima provides nutritional energy and other wellness products t ohumans who are looking to perform their absolute best.
Nutrition supplements are just that: supplemental. Like any nutrition supplement, it’s best to take Niima in conjunction with a well-balanced, healthy diet. If you don’t know what that is: do some research. Niima isn’t designed to replace the benefits that come from nutrition-rich food, it’s designed to complement and enhance the vitamins, minerals and adaptogens found in good whole foods.